(Quick Reference)

Country Selector Plugin - Reference Documentation

Authors: Matouš Kučera

Version: 1.0

1 Introduction

This plugin provides advanced country selector for Grails. It is suitable for all forms where the user needs to put a country, i.e. address form. Contrary to traditional html select with a huge list of countries, it serves a user normal input box where the user can type his country. When he starts typing it suggest him possible countries he could fill in.

It uses JavaScript autocomplete to give the user right help. The autocomplete takes into account country name alternatives and different relevance for different countries (see Countries i18n chapter). Moreover, it allows i18n localization of country names, alternatives and also relevancy.

The plugin is based on JavaScript implementation of country selector of Baymard Institute, see project on Github.

Example of rendered country selector:

1.1 Change Log

2013-11-131.0Release of 1.0. TagLib for display of country name based on its code. Locale attribute for tagLibs.
2013-07-030.2.6Improved dependencies. Resource plugin is not required by default.
2013-07-020.2Bug fixes. German translation.
2013-07-010.1Smart country selector - <cs:countrySelector /> tag. jQuery autocomplete implementation. Twitter Bootstrap autocomplete implementation. Country setup in i18n.

1.2 Roadmap

  • Cashing of parsed i18n country codes
  • Translations to CZ

1.3 Known Issues

2 Configuration

There are few configuration options for the plugin:
grails.plugin.countrySelector.messageSource.useOnlyCustomfalseTrue if only custom i18n country settings should be used. See more in Countries Customization in i18n.

2.1 Countries i18n

The plugin is dependent on i18n Grails plugin and allows to set all language/location properties needed for country selector. Therefore, simply changing the user locale can change the country selector behavior.

It allows to set-up following properties for each country:

  1. Country Code - Plugin uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes for countries but you can set your own. Country codes are the values returned when the user submit the country selector. They could be easily mapped to domain class property. Examples: GBR , DEU , etc.
  2. Country Name - It is the actual country name the user sees in autocomplete. Examples: United Kingdom , Germany , etc.
  3. Country Alternatives - Alternative strings which should be used for autocomplete. When the user starts typing an alternative he should receive a proper country name. Examples: GB Great Britain England UK Wales Scotland Northern Ireland for United Kingdom, DE Bundesrepublik Deutschland for Germany.
  4. Relevancy - The relevancy specifies the order of results in autocomplete. Country selector sorts the countries by their relevancy first (higher relevancy ~ higher position in autocomplete) and than alphabetically. Examples: United States relevancy 3.5 , United Kingdom relevancy 2.5

Having these properties in i18n allows to set different values for different locale. It allows for example to set a different relevancy for different locale, i.e. Sweden would have higher relevancy than Switzerland in Sweden locale but this would be vice versa for Switzerland locale.

2.1.1 Countries Customization in i18n

The structure of i18n country properties is following:

org.grails.plugin.countrySelector.CZE=Czech Republic
org.grails.plugin.countrySelector.CZE.alternatives=CZ Česká Ceska

org.grails.plugin.countrySelector.DNK=Denmark org.grails.plugin.countrySelector.DNK.alternatives=DK Danmark org.grails.plugin.countrySelector.DNK.relevancy=1.5

The country code is the last part of the first property key, the value specifies the country name. Alternatives are space separated names. Similarly, relevancy is used for country position in the country selector.

By default custom property files are merged with the plugin specified. You can set all country specifiactions (name, alternatives, relevancy) or just few of them. The custom specification has higher priority during merging. New countries could be defined if it is required.

You can also decide to use your custom i18n settings by default (for example, this can be used when you would like to define custom country codes, or just reduce the number of possible countries). Set following in Config.groovy

grails.plugin.countrySelector.messageSource.useOnlyCustom = true

2.1.2 Supported Languages

English ang Germany are the only one supported languages right now. The whole setup of country names, alternative and relevancy is in i18n/messages.properties file of the plugin core.

3 Utility Clases

3.1 CountrySelectorService

allowedCountryCodes() This method allows to get all allowed country codes. The general usage is for domain class constraints.

Example domain class Address.groovy

class Address {
   def countrySelectorService

String country

static constraints = { country(nullable: false, blank: false, validator: {val, obj -> def allowedCountryCodes = obj.countrySelectorService.allowedCountryCodes() if(!allowedCountryCodes.contains(val)) return "org.grails.plugins.countrySelector.country.notAllowed" }) } }

The Address class is usually an embedded class placed in groovy/src for a certain domain class. To use the countrySelectorService, you need to inject the service differently:

import grails.util.Holders

class Address { String country

static constraints = { country(nullable: false, blank: false, validator: {val, obj -> def allowedCountryCodes = obj.countrySelectorService.allowedCountryCodes() if(!allowedCountryCodes.contains(val)) return "org.grails.plugins.countrySelector.country.notAllowed" }) }

private static getCountrySelectorService() { def grailsApplication = Holders.getGrailsApplication() grailsApplication.mainContext.countrySelectorService } }

4 Autocomplete

JavaScript autocomplete engine is an important part of this plugin. It allows the user to see the recommended countries while he is typing. By default, the jQuery autocomplete is used by the plugin.

4.1 jQuery Autocomplete

jQuery autocomplete is the default autocomplete. Therefore, this plugin depends on jquery-ui plugin.

If you don't want to use this autocomplete and jquery-ui dependency than simply exclude it from BuildConfig.groovy:

compile ':country-selector:0.1' {
   exclude 'jquery-ui'

4.2 Twitter Bootstrap Autocomplete

The Twitter Bootstrap Autocomplete is an alternative implemented within the plugin.

You can set this implementation using the resources (Resource Plugin) in ApplicationResources.groovy:

overrides {
   'country-selector-plugin-js' {
      dependsOn 'country-selector-plugin-bootstrap-js'

The Twitter Bootstrap country selector is dependent on bootstrap-typeahead therefore Twitter Bootstrap Grails Plugin is required:

plugins {
    runtime ':twitter-bootstrap:2.3.2'

4.3 Custom Autocomplete

Similarly to Twitter Bootstrap Autocomplete you can set your custom autocomplete JavaScript implementation in ApplicationResources.groovy:
'country-selector-plugin-custom-js' {
   dependsOn 'jquery'
   resource url: 'js/application/customCountrySelectorAutocomplete.js', disposition: 'head'

overrides { 'country-selector-plugin-js' { dependsOn 'country-selector-plugin-custom-js' } }

The custom JavaScript autocomplete should follow the implementation of Baymard Institute JavaScript country selector (See Github for more details).